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Friday 18 October 2013

Pasta Maker

Yesterday I made pasta for the first time. Some dear friends had given me a pasta machine for my birthday in May and I hadn't yet found the chance to use it. So yesterday I whipped the box open and worked it like an Italian nonna.
After reading Jamie Oliver's fresh egg pasta recipe, I thought to myself, ok yeah that sounds simple, I can do that...boy was I wrong! 
My first mistake was that instead of using a bowl to make the dough, I tried to be all fancy and just make a flour well on the kitchen counter like he does. Big mistake, I found myself running after rivers of egg mixture all over the counter top haha! I finally got the mixture together and didn't realize what a workout kneading the dough is!!!! My fadoopadoopers are sore this morning!
My second mistake was not having enough room on my kitchen counter. I didn't realize how long the pasta stretched out through the machine, so I found myself looking like a mummy with all this pasta wrapped around my arms!
Having a new machine, I also spent a lot of time cleaning out the factory grease and grime with a spare ball of pasta dough. This took so long!!!
Lastly, I think I made the pasta too thin. After it had dried on the rack, taking it off was a nightmare. It kept crumbling and I had so much pasta on the floor rather than the rack!
Although I had some disasters, I would do it again. Now that I know what i'm doing, I could probably do it quicker.
The taste and freshness of homemade pasta was amazing. It just melted in our mouths! 
I served the pasta in a creamy pesto chicken sauce and it was devoured in under 10minutes! 


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